Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Anlysis On Toyota Production System Beyond Large Scale Production - 1650 Words

Anlysis On Toyota Production System: Beyond Large Scale Production (Book Review Sample) Content: Book Report Antique Literature Student Name Affiliate Institution Introduction Written by one of the most influential and successful production managers of modern era, Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production is a book that every manager should have. Taiichi Ohno was a Japanese creative thinker whose work at Toyota set him apart due to his inventive techniques that were ahead of his time. He is well known for his invention of the Toyota Production System and Lean manufacturing, and in this book he opens up about his creativity in a way that most manufacturing industries will find informative since the techniques and approaches discussed by Taiichi Ohno are not only applicable to car manufacturing but also to other industries that involve human labor and the use of raw materials from, either within the plant, or outside suppliers. He uses his book Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production to present to the reader his insights into understanding Toyotas attempts at attaining lean production, going a step further to illustrate how Lean principles can be used by managers and industries in any production process to improve the productivity of the company as well as that of the employees. While the book is aimed at encouraging individuals to understand the philosophical and historical intricacies of just-in-time and Lean manufacturing at Toyota, people from all walks of life are bound to find Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production an excellent instruction guide on how to eliminate wastes and improve the efficiency of whatever it is that they try to accomplish in life. This paper will conduct an analysis into the Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production highlighting both the strengths and weaknesses of the book and its applicability in other industries apart from Toyota. About the Author Taiichi Ohno was brought to the automotive side of Toyota Corporation from his role as an engineer in the Toyoda Spinning and Weaving Corporation following the end of the Second World War. His new task was to improve the operation productivity of the company by driving the companys famed Just-In-Time and Jidoka principles. It was until he was appointed the machine shop manager of an engine plant that he got to experiment with several concepts of that became a hallmark of Toyota Production System (TPS) between 1945 and 1955. Even though there were other people within the company that played vital roles in formulating and turning the TPS into a successful concept, Ohnos work and efforts resulted into what is now referred to as the Toyota Production System (TPS). In his book Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production, he outlines the mindset behind the system as well as the role of teamwork in its implementation. Analysis of Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production According to Ohno (1988) the aim of the TPS is to provide manufacture products that have world class quality in order to meet the expectations of customers in addition to exhibiting the characteristics of model corporate responsibility within the manufacturing industry as well as the community within which the company operates. Thus, in order to achieve this objective the TPS is designed to work in ensuring that the company offers quality services to the customers; develops each employees potential by establishing an environment that offers mutual respect, cooperation and trust; reduces costs by eliminating wastes and maximizing profits; and develops production standards that are flexible enough in order to meet ever-changing consumer preferences and global demands. As earlier mentioned in this paper, the TPS is one of the most successful production models that have not only helped the company navigate through difficult financial times but have also contributed in turning the company into a global market leader in product delivery and profitability. It goes without saying that the companys goals set out in the TPS are an important factor in seeing the companys success. The book provides details and examples on ways to build cooperation, trust, and mutual respect among, and with, a companys employees. Reading the book helps one to not only appreciate the all important role that employees have to play in the success of any companys program that is intended towards maximizing profits and satisfying and meeting customer demands. In his book, Ohno (1988) provides steps and strategies that production managers must put into place in order to ensure that there is trust, mutual respect and cooperation among employees and the customers. Upon reading this book, students, teachers and production mangers will understand that a happy employee is likely to translate to happy customers. Additionally, Ohno (1988) offers insights into the processes that he put into place at Toyota in order to make sure that the company was in tune with the demands of their local and global customers. This included listening and paying attention to customer remarks, feedback, and complaints. Once the company is in sync with their customers needs, then it is possible to make products that are tailored to their customers specific needs. Just like with the examples provided in regards to ensuring employee satisfaction, Ohno (1988) also provides insights into how a company can stay in step with the demands and preferences of their customers. O n the other hand, Ohno (1988) highlights some of the challenges that TPS had to solve in regards to waste management. If a company is to maximize on profits, then it is vital that the production department ensures that there is as little wastage of resources and labor as possible. This leads the reader into the next most important aspect of the TPS. The two pillars of the system namely Just-In-Time and Jidoka. According to Ohno (1988), TPSs Just-In-Time or (JIT) is a concept whose aim is to to produce and deliver the right parts, in the right amount, at the right time using the minimum necessary resources. Among some of the benefits of JIT that a reader of this book will find include the fact that the system helps in reducing early and overproduction as well as minimizing on the companys inventory. This sequentially reduces the costs associated with storage and obsolescence. Moreover, Ohno (1988) asserts that the system is vital in exposing problems within the production chain fast and easily. Reading this book helps one to understand the best ways of reducing inventory and focusing on improvement of any problems and abnormities that are associated with inventory. In the case of Jidoka, Ohnos (1988) book points out that there are two aspects of the system; building in quality at the process and separation of man from machine. T...

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