Thursday, September 3, 2020

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3

The board - Essay Example Refreezing is about eh penning the change procedure. Mostly the association hopes to finish the refreezing stage through hierarchical standards, culture and structures (Carnall, 1994, p. 351). Hierarchical Level One of the most celebrated diagnostic models that portray the procedure of progress at an authoritative level has been created by Harold J. Leavitt. As indicated by Leavitt associations resemble multivariate frameworks that have four most significant factors, for example, the structure, objective, innovation and players (Moore, 1963, p. 141). As indicated by Leavitt structure is the structure of power, correspondence and duty and work relations. The players are the workers of the association; Technology is the methods and types of gear that are utilized by the players or representatives of an association to accomplish wanted authoritative objective. Leavitt considered objective as â€Å"la raison d’etre† of an association. Leavitt accepted that authoritative obj ective is the reason that supplements the working and the presence of the association. Leavitt accepted that these factors lead to authoritative change. The center idea model was spoken to by the solid connection and reliance between the four factors prompting fundamental results: One of the factors can be adjusted to dispense attractive changes in the other kind of factor. The difference in one variable may potentially prompt some undesirable and unforeseen changes in different factors (Ridley, 2008, p. 301). Specialists identified with the field of authoritative science and brain research anyway felt that the hypothesis proposed by Lewin was somewhat scattered and may require some change so that the hierarchical... The examination has been led so as to investigate the procedure of hierarchical change and advancement. Association change can be characterized as a change stage than an association experiences when the structure and methodologies of an association is adjusted. The examination hopes to portray in the advanced business condition an association needs to experience a procedure of progress not exclusively to increase upper hand yet additionally for ht insignificant endurance. The examination shows the job of the supervisors as a change operator. Authoritative advancement can be characterized as the response to the hierarchical that is led to alter the standards, qualities and mentalities and structure of an association. There are a few deficient procedures of authoritative change and improvement. A portion of the basic components should be checked before embedding authoritative change inside the firm. The current investigation hopes to give a brief outline of the authoritative change and improvement process. Over the span of study authoritative change from and individual and hierarchical point of view has been broke down. Hypothetical and investigative models, for example, the Lewin’s three satisfy model, Harold J. Leavitt model of progress and furthermore model recommended by model recommended that Jeanne Watson, Ronald Lippit and Bruce Westley; which likewise happens to be an altered adaptation of the three phase model proposed by Lewin has been introduced. Additionally the procedure of authoritative change execution has been given.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Gothic settings are desolate, alienating and full of menace free essay sample

Gothic settings are ruined, distancing and loaded with danger. In the light of this remark, consider a portion of the manners by which journalists use settings in the gothic writings you have perused. In The Bloody Chamber and Wuthering Heights, Carter and Bronte fit in with the gothic shows with ruined and estranging settings that are brimming with threat, however there are additionally components that undercut this view and depict virtue and capture; the need to get away from the gothic shape. A forsaken setting is a spot without life in a condition of depressing and horrid vacancy. This is communicated in The Courtship of Mr Lyon when the young lady ends up exhausted in the nation. This undercuts the gothic as the nation is related with immaculateness and female inability, contrasted with the male overwhelmed, ruined city. We see here that the young lady yearns to think outside the box of female detachment with the mean kitchen and her fatigue. We will compose a custom exposition test on Gothic settings are ruined, estranging and loaded with danger or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page All the day off the words light brilliant and white deduce virtue and speaks to her absolute guiltlessness yet in addition detachment from the outside world, living down a long plain nation street. Carter puts the young lady at the window in his story and ses an absence of portrayal of the kitchen to make a feeling of yearning for the outside world. She is caught in the local circle in the kitchen however stops on her tasks. This anticipates violating sexual orientation hindrances in the story. For a gothic setting to be distancing it could be it causes somebody to feel disconnected or offended. The young lady in The Bloody Chamber feels cut off from her past, un-wedded life in the mansion encompassed by water. She portrayed how she goes into marriage, into oust and would consistently be desolate. She feels alone in a man centric culture since his orefathers had governed the coast for a considerable length of time. This features the in which the lady must fit in with his desires, yet additionally implies medieval undercurrents of a fantasy. The young lady presents the stronghold as an enchantment place, the pixie manor whose dividers were made of froth suggesting the otherworldly in the enchantment place like a pixie château, which features gothic design of fabulous mansions. The froth anyway undercuts to the gothic as it proposes lovely opportunities and an absence of substance, practically like its from a fantasy. As opposed to this picture, the truth of a thick haziness, dark by any tar speaks to her entanglement and battle to recuperate from finding his dead spouses in the grisly chamber. She feels profoundly ruined with no desire for getting away from her new information for which she should address the cost, as the room is dark by stars. This recommendation that ladies ought not have information indicates strict symbolism of when Eve defiled Adam and they took care of Eves sin. This information enables the young lady to scrutinize the Marquiss power since when taking a gander at the image of Saint Cecilia, she solicits what had been the nature from her suffering? in which she addresses her defilement. She proposes Cecilia was just decapitated for her ignoring a man. A bleeding chamber is available in some structure in every one of the ten stories and while taking various structures all through the book, it fills the equivalent representative need. It is where savagery and edification happen all the while. It is a position of change for the courageous woman. The term the association between womens sexuality and the viciousness they experience. ln The Courtship of Mr. Lyon, the wicked chamber is the Beasts room. Despite the fact that the Beast doesn't hurt anybody in the room, it speaks to the vicious and grisly notoriety. In the event that the Beast is viewed as a being who eats up, his room is seen as a position of fear a ridiculous chamber. The Beasts room is additionally a position of change for both himself and the courageous woman. It is there that she understands her adoration for him and that he changes over into a human. Estranging settings can likewise make somebody become unsympathetic or unfriendly. The characters in Wuthering Heights fit in to their new environmental factors, subliminally, and adjust to its convictions and values and become antagonistic to their past lifestyle. They adjust to the thin windows profoundly set in the divider with a scope of withered thistles. The Grange rich lofty hues, for example, dark red and blues, demonstrating that the characters have gotten mindful of their social standing and desires; while at Wuthering Heights, there are vainglorious painted canisters with objects that are liver-shaded, dark and green. Wuthering Heights depicts savagery and opportunity to go about however you see fit when Lockwood experiences Cathys apparition he pulled its wrist on the messed up sheet, and scoured it forward and backward till the blood ran down and drenched the bed-garments. He expresses that dread made me merciless and this dread of what is dubious or darken at Wuthering Heights clarifies his viciousness. This state differentiations to his profoundly refined and edified conduct toward the start of the novel. In the event that a setting is loaded with hazard, at that point it represents a danger or risk in an antagonistic estate. During Lockwoods first visit of Wuthering Heights he feels compromised by the manner in which he depicts its appearance among a wild of disintegrating griffins. Griffins are barbaric fiendishness animals, recommending the occupants of Wuthering Heights to be coldblooded and wild. Lockwood feels under danger since he doesn't have a clue the proper behavior around a family that is disintegrating from societys control. In this manner, passing the limit would mean Lockwood violating the oundaries of social standards. Once inside, Lockwood feels caught in light of the fact that the tight windows are profoundly set in the divider making it difficult to get out. It gives the impression of a jail, where the ethically tainted are kept, with their insider facts and restrictions. It can likewise be seen that Wuthering statures represents a danger to Thrushcross Grange in light of the fact that the characters continue needing to go there and escape from culture at the Grange and become liberated from entanglement in a harsh society and become rejoined with nature. This is the situation for Cathy, Isabella, Catherine and Nelly, who feel attracted to risk, which is freeing and liberating.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Media - Essay Example the development of web based life and the Internet. The motivation behind this paper is to talk about the relationship of Media and Middle East and how it has changed in the previous decades. Moreover, the paper will talk about the rise of internet based life as a significant discussion that has manufactured people’s viewpoints during and after the Arab Spring. So as to comprehend Middle East (the Arab explicitly and thoroughly), the relationship of the media and the state’s culture and its legislative issues ought to be comprehended. For over forty years, broad communications authority has fabricated the district. Using the various interchanges models, the brought together administration of the locale has impeccably governed the broad communications. It is prove through history that the Middle East had unpleasant associations with its media. The Emirs of various Arab states because of Sharia Laws and different reasons shut down various media organizations. Notwithstanding the opportunity given to the media, various media associations including BBC were shut down in the Middle East as it was against the laws and Islam (Al-Obaidi). In any case, in the course of recent years, it has been seen that the pattern is changing and the acknowledgment towards media over the Middle East is expanding. The move has been seen since the start of the Arab Spring (Carrington). The occasions that occurred in different nations of the Middle East from 2010 has changed the manner in which individuals think and accept. The job of online networking in the Arab spring is ruling and its significance can not be denied as different researchers and analysts have demonstrated that numerous transformations began through internet based life for example Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and so on. (Gelvanovska, Rogy and Rossotto). In spite of the way that these internet based life gatherings were prohibited in numerous nations of the Middle East for this specific explanation, the Arab Spring proceeded and numerous legislatures were cut down

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Anlysis On Toyota Production System Beyond Large Scale Production - 1650 Words

Anlysis On Toyota Production System: Beyond Large Scale Production (Book Review Sample) Content: Book Report Antique Literature Student Name Affiliate Institution Introduction Written by one of the most influential and successful production managers of modern era, Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production is a book that every manager should have. Taiichi Ohno was a Japanese creative thinker whose work at Toyota set him apart due to his inventive techniques that were ahead of his time. He is well known for his invention of the Toyota Production System and Lean manufacturing, and in this book he opens up about his creativity in a way that most manufacturing industries will find informative since the techniques and approaches discussed by Taiichi Ohno are not only applicable to car manufacturing but also to other industries that involve human labor and the use of raw materials from, either within the plant, or outside suppliers. He uses his book Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production to present to the reader his insights into understanding Toyotas attempts at attaining lean production, going a step further to illustrate how Lean principles can be used by managers and industries in any production process to improve the productivity of the company as well as that of the employees. While the book is aimed at encouraging individuals to understand the philosophical and historical intricacies of just-in-time and Lean manufacturing at Toyota, people from all walks of life are bound to find Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production an excellent instruction guide on how to eliminate wastes and improve the efficiency of whatever it is that they try to accomplish in life. This paper will conduct an analysis into the Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production highlighting both the strengths and weaknesses of the book and its applicability in other industries apart from Toyota. About the Author Taiichi Ohno was brought to the automotive side of Toyota Corporation from his role as an engineer in the Toyoda Spinning and Weaving Corporation following the end of the Second World War. His new task was to improve the operation productivity of the company by driving the companys famed Just-In-Time and Jidoka principles. It was until he was appointed the machine shop manager of an engine plant that he got to experiment with several concepts of that became a hallmark of Toyota Production System (TPS) between 1945 and 1955. Even though there were other people within the company that played vital roles in formulating and turning the TPS into a successful concept, Ohnos work and efforts resulted into what is now referred to as the Toyota Production System (TPS). In his book Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production, he outlines the mindset behind the system as well as the role of teamwork in its implementation. Analysis of Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production According to Ohno (1988) the aim of the TPS is to provide manufacture products that have world class quality in order to meet the expectations of customers in addition to exhibiting the characteristics of model corporate responsibility within the manufacturing industry as well as the community within which the company operates. Thus, in order to achieve this objective the TPS is designed to work in ensuring that the company offers quality services to the customers; develops each employees potential by establishing an environment that offers mutual respect, cooperation and trust; reduces costs by eliminating wastes and maximizing profits; and develops production standards that are flexible enough in order to meet ever-changing consumer preferences and global demands. As earlier mentioned in this paper, the TPS is one of the most successful production models that have not only helped the company navigate through difficult financial times but have also contributed in turning the company into a global market leader in product delivery and profitability. It goes without saying that the companys goals set out in the TPS are an important factor in seeing the companys success. The book provides details and examples on ways to build cooperation, trust, and mutual respect among, and with, a companys employees. Reading the book helps one to not only appreciate the all important role that employees have to play in the success of any companys program that is intended towards maximizing profits and satisfying and meeting customer demands. In his book, Ohno (1988) provides steps and strategies that production managers must put into place in order to ensure that there is trust, mutual respect and cooperation among employees and the customers. Upon reading this book, students, teachers and production mangers will understand that a happy employee is likely to translate to happy customers. Additionally, Ohno (1988) offers insights into the processes that he put into place at Toyota in order to make sure that the company was in tune with the demands of their local and global customers. This included listening and paying attention to customer remarks, feedback, and complaints. Once the company is in sync with their customers needs, then it is possible to make products that are tailored to their customers specific needs. Just like with the examples provided in regards to ensuring employee satisfaction, Ohno (1988) also provides insights into how a company can stay in step with the demands and preferences of their customers. O n the other hand, Ohno (1988) highlights some of the challenges that TPS had to solve in regards to waste management. If a company is to maximize on profits, then it is vital that the production department ensures that there is as little wastage of resources and labor as possible. This leads the reader into the next most important aspect of the TPS. The two pillars of the system namely Just-In-Time and Jidoka. According to Ohno (1988), TPSs Just-In-Time or (JIT) is a concept whose aim is to to produce and deliver the right parts, in the right amount, at the right time using the minimum necessary resources. Among some of the benefits of JIT that a reader of this book will find include the fact that the system helps in reducing early and overproduction as well as minimizing on the companys inventory. This sequentially reduces the costs associated with storage and obsolescence. Moreover, Ohno (1988) asserts that the system is vital in exposing problems within the production chain fast and easily. Reading this book helps one to understand the best ways of reducing inventory and focusing on improvement of any problems and abnormities that are associated with inventory. In the case of Jidoka, Ohnos (1988) book points out that there are two aspects of the system; building in quality at the process and separation of man from machine. T...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analysis And Investment In British Airways And Carrefour Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1875 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? I am a Thai national people and seldom invest the vast of money before in my life except Thailand Government bonds and have been closed with the extra dividend in two years ago. Although Im just student and very young but I also need to appraise the risk appetite of establishment that I need to deal with. At my young age of 22 years old, I am very dynamic person and never scare about investment if I confident to do so under my creature, whether it is a long-term investment but I foresee would be great in term of dividends when I get older. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Analysis And Investment In British Airways And Carrefour Finance Essay" essay for you Create order I have knowledge in aviation industry. I used to be customers of airline and supermarket, British Airways and Carrefour respectively. Personally, I decided to leave some amount of money in the UK bank account say saving in short-term period on saving account to protect myself in case of recession. Thus, I invested to Lloyds TSB Bank. Leaving your money in the bank is good because it will increase interest eventually (Eberts, et. al. 2005). However, if we really want to earn, it is better to invest rather than depositing it to the bank. Although there is a high risk when you invest, there is also a high chance of earning. Hence, I decided to look for companies that would be in my best interest. In order to do so, I gathered financial information of British Airways as well as Carrefour prior to my decision of investing to the any of those companies or invest to both. Thus, financial highlights of the said company were gathered for analysis. II. My aspiration against investment In an investment, there is a risk whether the money that you invest will eventually return or not. Therefore, having 300,000 US dollars it would be handful to deposit at least 100,000 US dollars to the bank to assure that there is an interest to earn. Since, pounds is much higher currency than dollars, it is advisable to open an account and deposit in this currency. If I will invest to the bank like in the Lloyds TSB bank (Im currently having a saving account with them), the money that I have will surely increased in accordance to its interest. Table 2.1 Lloyds TSB Bank Interest Rate Term Deposit 6 Month Term Deposit Amount Invested Annual Option Monthly Option AER/Gross % Net % AER/Gross % Net %  £10,000+ 1.15 0.92 1.15 0.92  £2,000 to  £9,999 1.15 0.92 1.15 0.92 Term Deposit 3 Year Term Deposit Amount Invested Annual Option Monthly Option AER/Gross % Net % AER/Gross % Net %  £10,000+ 4.10 3.28 4.10 3.28  £2,000 to  £9,999 4.10 3.28 4.10 3.28 Source: Lloyds TSB Bank In a short-term deposit in Lloyds TSB Bank, investing will increase the money by as much as 4.1%. Having $300,000 US dollars in this rate will increase at least $12,000 annually. In some point, it is better to deposit the amount wherein the money will surely increase in interest. In few years, this will increase by 20%. Prior to investment, it is advisable to have an increase amount prior to investment (Siciliano, 2003). The key step in investment is to deposit in a bank, then choose a company to invest via financial analysis, complete the requirements to invest and then wait until you gain the profit. III. BA Analysis When it comes to airline companies in UK, British Airways is one of the well-known companies. This airline operated in different continent of the globe like in America, Middle East and South Asia, Asia Pacific, Africa, and Europe. This airline company is operating almost 150 cities. The company is also on continues strategic development to farther increase the operation capacity of the company. It latest financial report shows how the company is doing its business by the numbers. Table 3.1 BA Income Statement (Source: British Airways)   Group  Company  £ million  2009 2008 Restated  2009 2008 Restated Cash flow from operating activities       Operating (loss)/profit  (220) 878  (165) 862 Operating loss from discontinued operations   (2)    Depreciation, amortisation and impairment  694 692  670 672 Operating cash flow before working capital changes  474 1,568  505 1,534 Movement in inventories, trade and other receivables  32 96  (28) 89 Movement in trade and other payables and provisions  (136) (325)  (132) (276) Payments in respect of restructuring  (64) (32)  (62) (30) Cash payment to NAPS pension scheme   (610)   (610) Payment to DOJ in settlement of competition investigation   (149)   (149) Other non-cash movement  1 3  7 (32) Cash generated from operations  307 551  290 526 Interest paid  (177) (182)  (163) (169) Taxation  3 (66)  26 (108) Net cash flow from operating activities  133 303  153 249 Cash flow from investing activities       Purchase of property, plant and equipment  (547) (596)  (528) (592) Purchase of intangible assets  (24) (33)  (24) (32) Purchase of shares in associated undertakings   (54)    Proceeds from sale of other investments  7   7  Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment  5 11  10 11 Insurance recoveries for write-off of Boeing 777 aircraft  12 51  12 51 Purchase of subsidiary (net of cash acquired)  (34)   (144) (1,016) Cash inflow from disposal of subsidiary company   1    Interest received  105 117  53 123 Dividends received  17 3  6 4 Decrease in other current interest-bearing deposits  202 458  356 1,238 Net cash used in investing activities  (257) (42)  (252) (213) Cash flows from financing activities       Proceeds from long-term borrowings  377 172  377 172 Repayments of borrowings  (66) (68)  (55) (57) Payment of finance lease liabilities  (402) (356)  (411) (355) Exercise of share options  1 4  1 4 Dividends paid  (58)   (58)  Distributions made to holders of perpetual securities  (17) (14)    Net cash used in financing activities  (165) (262)  (146) (236) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents  (289) (1)  (245) (200) Net foreign exchange differences  8 (29)  31 (29) Cash and cash equivalents at April 1  683 713  433 662 Cash and cash equivalents at March 31  402 683  219 43 According to its annual report, the company has a total revenue  £8,992m in 2009 compared to  £8,758 last 2008. However, when it comes to loss before tax, the company suffered a gross loss of  £401 million from its 2008 to 2009 operation as compared  £922 million prior to the given year. On the contrary, when it comes to operating loss, the company was able to reduced operating loss to  £220 million as compared to its  £878 prior to the given year. Table 3.2 BA Balance Sheet (Source: British Airways)   Group  Company  £ million  2009 2008 Restated  2009 2008 Restated Non-current assets       Property, plant and equipment:       Fleet  5,996 5,976  5,805 5,794 Property  971 977  920 924 Equipment  266 310  258 301   7,233 7,263  6,983 7,019 Intangibles:       Goodwill  40 40    Landing rights  205 159  163 159 Software  22 22  22 22   267 221  185 181 Investments in subsidiaries     2,356 2,207 Investments in associates  209 227    Available-for-sale financial assets  65 80  27 24 Employee benefit assets  340 320  340 320 Derivative financial instruments  3 51  3 51 Prepayments and accrued income  25 19  9 9 Total non-current assets  8,142 8,181  9,903 9,811 Current assets and receivables       Inventories  127 112  125 109 Trade receivables  530 586  517 574 Other current assets  268 308  382 371 Derivative financial instruments  40 241  40 241 Other current interest-bearing deposits  979 1,181  43 399 Cash and cash equivalents  402 683  219 433   1,381 1,864  262 832 Total current assets and receivables  2,346 3,111  1,326 2,127 Total assets  10,488 11,292  11,229 11,938 Shareholders equity       Issued share capital  288 288  288 288 Share premium  937 937  937 937 Investment in own shares  (9) (10)  (9) (10) Other reserves  430 1,847  10 1,444 Total shareholders equity  1,646 3,062  1,226 2,659 Minority interest  200 200    Total equity  1,846 3,262  1,226 2,659 Non-current liabilities       Interest-bearing long-term borrowings  3,074 2,751  3,333 2,971 Employee benefit obligations  191 330  182 322 Provisions for deferred tax  652 1,075  592 1,017 Other provisions  256 210  215 185 Derivative financial instruments  123 4  123 4 Other long-term liabilities  204 168  169 132 Total non-current liabilities  4,500 4,538  4,614 4,631 Current liabilities       Current portion of long-term borrowings  689 423  689 421 Trade and other payables  2,796 2,875  4,045 4,036 Derivative financial instruments  471 20  471 20 Current tax payable  4 4  4 3 Short-term provisions  182 170  180 168 Total current liabilities  4,142 3,492  5,389 4,648 Total equity and liabilities  10,488 11,292  11,229 11,938 As an investor, you are most probably interested to know the basic loss per share. The company suffered 32.6 pence basic loss per share but gained 61.9 earnings per share. There is almost 1 is to 2 ratio between the loss and earnings of basics per share. Likewise, looking at the overall performance of the company from its network, the company performance of 53% Network-wide Ready to Go compared to the previous year with only 34%. Looking at the company highlights, it is quite considerable to invest in this company knowing that the company is very competitive in the airlines industry. With the continuity of strategic development, there is no doubt that this company will sooner or later gain the top of the competition. IV. Carrefour Analysis If there are competitive industries to challenge for, the retailing industry is one of the interesting sectors to examine. Wal-mart (ASDA) is the leader among the retail stores in the world. However, there is strong competitor that is trying to keep in step with Wal-mart, and that the Carrefour. This company, which means crossroads, is very active in groceries, merchandise as well as services. Overall, the company operates for 15,400 stores in different names, from hypermarket, supermarket, convenience stores, and discount stores and from any types of stores that you could think of. Overall, the company extended its operation for about 30 countries in different continent of the world. Figure 4.1 and 4.2 Net Income from Securing Operations Group Share and Earnings per Share4 Reviewing its financial highlights, the company was able to reached 86,967 million Euros in 2008 as compared to 82,148 millions Euros in 2007. Despite of the increase, the companys net income from recurring operations Group decreased from 1,868 million Euros in 2007 down to 1,256 million Euros in 2008. This affects the earnings per share for the shareholders wherein the 2008 earnings per share also decreased from 2.67 in 2007 to only 1.83 earnings per share in 2008. Figure 4.2 Carrefour Consolidated Net Sales From the shareholders view, it is alarming that the earnings per share by about 25% from 2007 to 2008. However, if we look at the type of industry, this is still a competitive industry to invest. Personally, the decreased may be because of the economic recession wherein people are trying to save as much as they can but still the company managed to have positive earnings. V. Comparison and decision making With all the financial data on hand, Im now ready to compare to what extent that the other company have the advantage to make a decision for investment. Looking at the physical features of the two companies, they are operating in different industry. British Airways is operating for airlines industry while Carrefour is for retailing sector. In terms of demands, we all generally know that people travel fastest in the air that is why they are taking the airlines (Keuleneer, et. al. 2001). On the other hand, Carrefour provides daily needs of the people with the products they are offering. In addition, both companies are strategically located at different continents. The best way to decide to invest is through the return of investment in accordance to their financial performances (Chorafas, 2000). Accordingly, British Airways has increased revenue in 2009 by 2.6%. On the other hand, Carrefour managed to increased sales in 2008 by 5.5%. There is a slightly difference in the increased of revenue. Looking at the earnings per share, British Airways shareholders are happy to gain over loss basic shares, 61.9 pence over 32.6 pence. On the other hand, despite of the earnings in 2008, Carrefour has a high decrease in the earnings for per share. British Airways suffered from operating loss despite of the increased in shares. Operating loss was not been highlighted by the Carrefour knowing that this was in their advantage. The operations performances of the two companies are quite remarkable despite of the recent recession. VI. Conclusion British Airways performances over the years is remarkable even though different industries in the world suffered from recession which as felt by the Carrefour. Despite of this, the company has some losses especially in the operating loss. Carrefour on the other hand is still able to get an increased in earnings per share. This is a good point for Carrefour knowing what they have variety of goods and services to offer. In choosing the company to invest, the numbers is quite important to decide where to put your money. If you see there is no earnings it will bring it is better to put it in the bank. However, with these two companies, it is important to note that there is very promising earnings waits. Both companies are in demand with the products and services they are offering hence that the risk of not earning is very low. From the numbers that I have, it is more advantageous to invest in British Airways. The company has a strategic development that is evident in the company. Then again, we cannot disregard Carrefour, because as can be seen from all of information, it has a great deal of advantage when dealing with recession since it has a variety of products and will not all be affected when any recession arise.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald - 1543 Words

Analysis Paragraph The American Dream is a dream about possibilities, and a desire for success. Sometimes you can interpret the dream for money, sometimes for love regardless of what the you think it is, the dreamer works hard to reach this goal. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is driven by his desire to achieve the American Dream. Unfortunately, Gatsby’s drive to achieve the dream also results in him falling victim to it. Essentially, Gatsby falls victim to the American Dream because he is forced to face the reality that his dream is just that, a dream that is out of reach and unrealistic. The novel also shows what happened to the American Dream in the 1920’s, which is a time period when the dreams became corrupted for many reasons. The American dream not only causes corruption but has caused destruction. In terms of the American dream, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald reveals that to achieve anything in life one shouldn’t lose oneself in the pr ocess. The main elements of Gatsby’s American Dream is love, wealth and popularity/status. These concepts, Gatsby both attains and falls victim to them in his quest to fulfill his dream, the American Dream. In the story The Great Gatsby, Gatsby becomes primarily motivated to fulfill this dream in knowing that he could not ever marry daisy because of his economic status and that rich girls don’t marry poor boys. Knowing this knowledge and insight that pushes Gatsby to invest in his American Dream.Show MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald1393 Words   |  6 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald was the model of the American image in the nineteen twenties. He had wealth, fame, a beautiful wife, and an adorable daughter; all seemed perfect. Beneath the gilded faà §ade, however, was an author who struggled with domestic and physical difficulties that plagued his personal life and career throughout its short span. This author helped to launch the theme that is so prevale nt in his work; the human instinct to yearn for more, into the forefront of American literature, where itRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1343 Words   |  6 PagesHonors English 10 Shugart 18 Decemeber 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story, a mystery, and a social commentary on American life. The Great Gatsby is about the lives of four wealthy characters observed by the narrator, Nick Carroway. Throughout the novel a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby throws immaculate parties every Saturday night in hope to impress his lost lover, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby lives in a mansion on West Egg across from DaisyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1155 Words   |  5 PagesThe Great Gatsby The Jazz Age was an era where everything and anything seemed possible. It started with the beginning of a new age with America coming out of World War I as the most powerful nation in the world (Novel reflections on, 2007). As a result, the nation soon faced a culture-shock of material prosperity during the 1920’s. Also known as the â€Å"roaring twenties†, it was a time where life consisted of prodigality and extravagant parties. Writing based on his personal experiences, author F. ScottRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1166 Words   |  5 Pagesin the Haze F. Scott Fitzgerald lived in a time that was characterized by an unbelievable lack of substance. After the tragedy and horrors of WWI, people were focused on anything that they could that would distract from the emptiness that had swallowed them. Tangible greed tied with extreme materialism left many, by the end of this time period, disenchanted. The usage of the literary theories of both Biographical and Historical lenses provide a unique interpretation of the Great Gatsby centered aroundRead MoreThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald845 Words   |  3 PagesIn F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, colors represent a variety of symbols that relate back to the American Dream. The dream of being pure, innocent and perfect is frequently associated with the reality of corruption, violence, and affairs. Gatsby’s desire for achieving the American Dream is sought for through corruption (Schneider). The American Dream in the 1920s was perceived as a desire of w ealth and social standings. Social class is represented through the East Egg, the WestRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay970 Words   |  4 Pagesrespecting and valuing Fitzgerald work in the twenty-first century? Fitzgerald had a hard time to profiting from his writing, but he was not successful after his first novel. There are three major point of this essay are: the background history of Fitzgerald life, the comparisons between Fitzgerald and the Gatsby from his number one book in America The Great Gatsby, and the Fitzgerald got influences of behind the writing and being a writer. From childhood to adulthood, Fitzgerald faced many good andRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2099 Words   |  9 Pagesauthor to mirror his life in his book. In his previous novels F. Scott Fitzgerald drew from his life experiences. He said that his next novel, The Great Gatsby, would be different. He said, â€Å"In my new novel I’m thrown directly on purely creative work† (F. Scott Fitzgerald). He did not realize or did not want it to appear that he was taking his own story and intertwining it within his new novel. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, he imitates his lifestyle through the Buchanan family to demonstrateRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1607 Words   |  7 Pages The Great Gatsby is an American novel written in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. One of the themes of the book is the American Dream. The American Dream is an idea in which Americans believe through hard work they can achieve success and prosperity in the free world. In F. Scott Fitzgerald s novel, The Great Gatsby, the American Dream leads to popularity, extreme jealousy and false happiness. Jay Gatsby’s recent fortune and wealthiness helped him earn a high social position and become one of the mostRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1592 Words   |  7 PagesMcGowan English 11A, Period 4 9 January 2014 The Great Gatsby Individuals who approach life with an optimistic mindset generally have their goals established as their main priority. Driven by ambition, they are determined to fulfill their desires; without reluctance. These strong-minded individuals refuse to be influenced by negative reinforcements, and rely on hope in order to achieve their dreams. As a man of persistence, the wealthy Jay Gatsby continuously strives to reclaim the love of hisRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1646 Words   |  7 PagesThe 1920s witnessed the death of the American Dream, a message immortalized in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Initially, the American Dream represented the outcome of American ideals, that everyone has the freedom and opportunity to achieve their dreams provided they perform honest hard work. During the 1920s, the United States experienced massive economic prosperity making the American Dream seem alive and strong. However, in Fitzgerald’s eyes, the new Am erican culture build around that

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BMW is enhancing the travel experience for drivers and passengers while also launching a series of new platforms The BMW Group – one of Germany’s largest industrial companies – is also one of the most successful car and motorcycle manufacturers in the world and 2011 was its best year to date. With almost 1. 7 million vehicles sold, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer in terms of sales volume. Its three automobile brands, BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce, and the BMW and Husqvarna motorcycles brands led to record sales of â‚ ¬68. 8bn. During 2011, the company introduced five new BMW models across the 1,3,5 and 6 series as well as the Mini Coupe and the Rolls-Royce 102EX, the first electric vehicle in the ultra-luxury segment. In addition, the company also launched a new sub brand – BMW i – that includes the i3 all-electric and i8 plug-in hybrid concept cars due for launch in 2013. However, as well as selling more products than ever and expanding production capacity, especially for the all-important China market, the company also kicked off a number of strategic partnerships for the future. We will write a custom essay sample on Bmw Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These included the start of the BMW Peugeot Citroen Electrification joint venture, the acquisition of a strategic investment in SGL Carbon SE and the cooperation with Toyota Motor Corporation in basic research for battery cell technology. Although a significant manufacturer, BMW is not part of a larger company like its main competitor Audi. As BMW invests heavily in innovation to continue to produce the ultimate driving experience, keeping its power options open is key, so as the shift towards electric continues to gather speed these development partnerships are vital elements in the company’s growth strategy.